Microsoft Excel

Question: What is MS-Excel?

Answer: Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.

Question: How to work in MS-Excel?

Answer: Use MS Excel Format Painter. To start you off, get yourself familiar with formatting your spreadsheet cells. A visually organized spreadsheet is highly appreciated by others as it can help them follow your data and calculations easily. To quickly apply your formatting across hundreds of cells, use the Format Painter.

Question: What is workbook and worksheet in MS-Excel?

Answer: An Excel worksheet is a single spreadsheet that contains cells organized by rows and columns. A worksheet begins with row number one and column A. Each cell can contain a number, text or formula. A cell can also reference another cell in the same worksheet, the same workbook or a different workbook.

Question: What is the use of MS-Excel in day to day life?

Answer: Excel has a reputation for use in accounting departments, and while its math functions are vital for bookkeeping, the program's spreadsheets and charts help out with everything from building a grocery list to analyzing scientific records. Moving from Word to Excel for day-to-day tasks might seem intimidating at first, but once you get used to working in a spreadsheet, Excel makes organization and calculation far simpler.

Question: What are the components of MS-Excel?

Answer: The components of the Microsoft Excel window are an active cell, column headings, a formula bar, a name box, the mouse pointer, row headings, sheet tabs, a task pane, tab scrolling buttons and toolbars. The function of the task pane is that it displays a list of commonly used tasks and the tab scrolling buttons are used to move between worksheets in the workbook.

Question: Write various data types in MS-Excel?


Data type
1 byte
Number from 0 to 255 for storing binary data
Integer number from -32 768 to 32 767.
Integer number from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647
Numeric data type with float precision to 6 decimal digits
Numeric data type with float precision with double precision in calculations
A number with fixed 4 decimal digits
Numeric data type with fixed precision and scale (precision 28).

Text strings. Flexible length or 64 kilobytes
Logical value (true or false)
The date in range of of 1.1.100 to 31.12.9999
Reference to an object.
Contain special value Null, any numeric value, text, reference to object or variable array.

Question: How to enter data in MS-Excel?

Answer: To enter data in Microsoft Excel:
  1. Select the cell into which you wish to enter a number by clicking on it.
  2. Begin typing a word/number, you can save it.
Question: What is cell and cell address in MS-Excel?        

Answer: Cells in the spreadsheet are referred to by rows and columns. Columns are vertical and labeled with letters. Rows are horizontal and labeled with numbers. The first cell in the spreadsheet is A1, which means column A, row 1, B3 refers to the cell located on the second column, third row, and so on.

Question: How to autosum in MS-Excel?

Answer: Press Enter to display the result (95.94) in cell B7. You can also see the formula in the formula bar at the top of the Excel window. To sum a column of numbers, select the cell immediately below the last number in the column. To sum a row of numbers, select the cell immediately to the right.

Question: How to formatting the table data in MS-Excel?

Answer:  Choose a table style when you create a table

1.      On the worksheet, select a range of cells that you want to quickly format as a table.

2.      On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table.

3.      Under Light, Medium, or Dark, click the table style that you want to use.